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How to apply

Submitting your mortgage applications

You can submit mortgage applications online.

Packaging requirements
Hints & tips
How to apply
  • Apply online

    Use our online application system to complete and submit both residential and buy to let applications. Registration to use the system is quick and easy, and once you are registered you simply need to log in each time you wish to submit applications.

    Online application should also be used to submit scanned supporting documents for your applications.

    Our online application user support guide is available on Tools & Guides, along with a helpful FAQ document.

    Use our online Product Transfer Application System

    Guidelines on submitting applications

    Completed applications should be submitted along with all relevant supporting documents. Please refer to our packaging requirements tab for further details.

    For additional support and information to help you complete our application forms, please refer to our online application help guide. This will help ensure we can deal with your client’s application as quickly as possible.

    When submitting a residential interest only application which includes downsizing as a repayment vehicle, please note that in the details box after selecting downsizing we require details to be provided of the property to be downsized to. We require the planned type of property, location and purchase price. For example “The customer intends on downsizing to a House in Glasgow costing £400,000”. If the equity in the property being mortgaged to us does not cover the purchase price of the property being downsized to, you must provide details and evidence of additional repayment vehicles.

    Scottish property valuations

    For residential mortgage applications where the LTV is 90% or below, we can accept a transcript from a Home Buyers Report subject to the valuation not being more than 90 days old and the surveying firm / surveyor being on the banks valuation panel. The fee for a transcript is £100. A bank valuation is needed for loans which fall outside this criteria. Transcripts are not acceptable for BTL applications.

    Need help with the application process?

    Our application forms, useful guides and sales support literature are available from the Tools & Guides and packaging requirements tab of this page.

  • Packaging requirements

    For all cases, we require a Customer Declaration & Direct Debit Mandate. These can be found under Tools & Guides and then Forms on our website.

    We accept scanned copies or photographs of supporting documents in the following types: PDF; JPG, up to a maximum file size of 20 MB. For scanned documents, we recommend a resolution setting of 300 dpi. Please do not use third party software to alter any original documents before sending to us, as this may mean we are unable to process your documents. Please note that we are only able to process documents which have been physically scanned.

    Please select the appropriate sections below for the income types your customers receive.


    For an employed person we will require the following documentation:

    Income on payslip Income evidence required
    Basic Salary, Car Allowance, Territorial Allowance Paid Monthly: 1 payslip
    Paid 4 Weekly: 2 payslips
    Other Allowable Variable Pay Items on Payslip:
    Additional duty hours
    Commissions (including regular bonuses)
    Shift allowance
    Annual bonus income
    Paid monthly: 2 payslips
    Paid 4-weekly: 2 payslips
    Paid fortnightly: 4 payslips
    Paid weekly: 8 payslips
    Annual/Half-Yearly/Quarterly Bonus income Bonus income to be proven over two years using any of the following documents; P60s, salary slips showing the bonus being paid, annual compensation statement from the client’s employer.

    Payslip must include:

    • Applicant’s name as stated on the application form, and National Insurance number
    • Employer’s name
    • Gross and net pay
    • The pay dates

    Parental leave - Where your client is currently on parental leave you must confirm when your client intends to return to work and what their intended working hours will be.

    We require the last 2 payslips prior to parental leave commencing or an employer’s letter confirming the terms of their parental leave on return to work.

    The ongoing ability to pay will then be assessed based on the return to work income level (i.e. adjusted in line with intended working hours).

    We will also need to know of any childcare costs arising upon returning to work. The cost of any future childcare arrangements should be included within the fixed commitments.

    If the customer is in probation or has not been in their current job for 6 months, we also need a copy of the employment contract to confirm it’s permanent (as opposed to short term).

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    Self-employed (limited company)

    If your client has a 25% or more shareholding in a limited company, we will require 2 years' accounts showing 3 years' figures, the latest of which must not be more than 18 months old.

    A signed letter from the accountant addressed to Clydesdale confirming your client’s percentage share in the company and their salary for the last 3 accounting years will be required.

    We cannot accept tax calculations for limited company shareholders.

    We also require the latest month’s business bank statements.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    Self-employed (Limited Liability Partnership)

    Documentation required for an equity partner in a LLP is the last three years’ HMRC SA302s and corresponding Tax Year Overviews or a letter from the HR/Finance Partner confirming the applicant’s income for each of the last 3 years, plus the latest month’s business or personal bank statement showing remuneration received.

    We consider non-equity / salaried partners as employees. Consequently, ‘employed’ income documentation will be required and bank statements are not required.

    Self-employed (sole trader)

    If your client has accounts produced, we require 2 years' accounts showing 3' years figures. These must be not more than 18 months old.

    Where accounts are not produced we will require 3 years' tax calculations with accompanying tax overviews.

    We also require the latest month’s business bank statements.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.


    2 years' accounts showing 3 years' figures will be required. These must be not more than 18 months old.

    Where accounts are not produced we will require 3 years' tax calculations with accompanying tax overviews.

    We also require the latest month’s business bank statements.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    Day rate contractor

    We will require all contracts covering the past 12 months. These must be signed by both parties. If your client has been contracting for less than 12 months, we will also require a P45 or P60 from their last employed position prior to contracting. Where there is less than 1 month remaining on the current contract evidence of renewal required.

    3 months' bank statements are required for the account where the contracting monies are received. Bank statements must evidence receipt of the full contract value. If a lower amount is received, please also provide a detailed explanation for any deductions.

    Where a contractor is paid via an umbrella / payroll services company, please also provide the last 2 months’ payslips.

    Contractors with a calculated income below £50,000 must provide evidence of contracting history for the last 2 years.

    If the above criteria cannot be satisfied the applicant will be treated as self-employed.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    Retirement income

    Last two months' pension advice payslips (or 4 weeks’ pension advice payslips).

    Annual award letter if regular pension advice slips not received.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    State benefits

    Benefit Annual Award Letter or most recent bank statement showing the benefit being credited.

    Important: If your customer has any BTLs please see Rental Income.

    Rental income

    Where your client has 1-3 BTLs we can either accept the signed and in date Tenancy Agreements for background BTLs or 3 months' bank statements clearly showing the rental income credited.

    If 4 or more BTLs we require 3 years' tax calculations with the accompanying tax overviews for 3 years.

    Dependent on the type of application additional documents will be required. Please select the sections below for more details.

    Gifted Deposits

    Where the deposit is being gifted, a letter or Third Party Use of Personal Information / Gifted Deposit form must be obtained from the person, or persons, gifting the deposit to confirm that the deposit monies are a gift, and the person does not expect to be repaid these monies either whilst the borrower(s) owns the property or upon its sale.

    Where the deposit is being loaned by a family member, consideration must be given to the repayment schedule, and this must be included in the expenditure in the application.

    Home improvements

    We require estimates to be provided from a builder or contractor where the home improvements are more than £50,000 or more than 20% of the property value.

    Lending into retirement

    If your client wishes to take a repayment mortgage beyond their stated retirement age we will require evidence of their current income and their projected post retirement income (evidenced via latest pension statement).

    If your client is planning on taking a lump sum from their pension scheme upon retirement we will require evidence supporting what the resultant pension income level will be.

    You should also confirm any specific intentions your client has in respect of the pension lump sum (e.g. capital reduction to the mortgage, repay other debts etc) and the estimated post retirement expenditure position.

    Loans over £1m

    Where the client is applying for a loan over £1m, we will require the most recent 3 months' consecutive bank statements.

    External Wall Systems

    Please see our lending criteria to find out when we might need more information from you.

  • Hints & tips

    We have produced some hints & tips to assist with your completion of the application which will help us to process the application as fast as possible for your clients:

    Monthly expenditure – Please ensure all regular monthly commitments are included within the application. Common examples of regular monthly commitments which are omitted include:

    • Personal loan / hire purchase payments
    • Minimum credit card payments (if the credit card is repaid in full each month then no monthly commitment needs to be recorded in the expenditure section)
    • School fees / childcare
    • Maintenance
    • Insurances
    • Any expenditure which appears on the customer’s credit file, not already recorded elsewhere

    Applications with background BTLs – Ensure all background BTL properties held by the clients are detailed within the application and the total expenditure for all these properties is included within the monthly expenditure section of the application.

    Downsizing – When submitting a residential interest only application which includes downsizing as a repayment vehicle, please note that in the details box after selecting downsizing we require details to be provided of the property to be downsized to. We require the planned type of property, location and purchase price. For example “The customer intends on downsizing to a House in Glasgow costing £400,000”. If the equity in the property being mortgaged to us does not cover the purchase price of the property being downsized to, you must provide details and evidence of additional repayment vehicles.

    Property address – Make sure the security address you provide exactly matches the Royal Mail website. Please ensure a full 3 year address history is provided.

    Employment history – Please ensure a full 2 year history is provided.

    Secondary incomes – Always make sure that employment / income details are fully completed for any second applicant and relevant income proofs provided, even if their income is not considered necessary for affordability purposes.

    Dependants – You are able to add dependants for every applicant. If multiple applicants share dependants then please record them under applicant 1 and then enter zero for subsequent applicants to ensure we do not double count.

    Additional Information – Please use the free format text boxes within the application to tell us about any discussions you have had with your Relationship Manager or an Underwriter, or to provide any other information relevant to the application.

    Fees – Please make sure the correct arrangement and valuation fees are input within the application. You can find these on our Products page and Valuation Fees page

Quick links

Our online application makes it quick and easy to apply for your customer

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To discuss product and policy queries, or for advice on making an application, speak to your Clydesdale Bank and Virgin Money BDM.

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*Monday - Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm, except Wednesdays, 9.30am - 5.00pm

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